Oct 2024 Beware of SpareRooms Rental Agency. Company Tied to Neo-Nazis and Document Fraud
Las Vegas Rooms Contributor: Ms. Margie Hong
Oct  2024  Las Vegas Rooms for Rent and Room-shares Reviewer: Kevor Williams
Tiffany Buehla Fact-Checker
Last updated:Oct 15th 2024

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Oct 2024 Beware of SpareRooms Rental Agency. Company Tied to Neo-Nazis

Oct  2024   SpareRooms Reviews by Las Vegas Roomshares

According to their website, SpareRoom is the brainchild of a British nerd called Rupert Hunt. The company was not founded in the United States, but the company seduces Americans to use its room rental services.

Indeed, the culture of Britain is embedded into Spareooms. Cold. Mean, Untrustworthy. The history of Britain in the slave trade, and the history of British atrocities against Africans, Asians, and people of color is well known.

The room rental agency SpareRooms has a British stink to it! Conversely, the Las Vegas Sparerooms team is warm, friendly, fuzzy, and open to all races and nationalities.

SpareRoom is the UK's number #1 flatsharing/room-rental website. They purport to receive over 2 million visitors every month - that's 11 times the circulation of the Guardian (and 133.5 times the circulation of Lady Golfer). These statisctics affirm that Neo-Nazism is still well received in London.

So, what type of persons are using the Sparerooms website? What type of renters do the Spareooms website typically attract?

Does Sparerooms attract Neo-Nazis, dirty Americans, dirty British or good tenants and landlords?

Is Sparerooms a last resort for America's trash population of failed white Americans, some critics ask??

Why Las Vegas Roomshares is Better than BritishSpareRooms.

Adam Watkins, Western Packaging Group, LLC

The Las Vegas Roomshares is Better than SpareRooms for many reasons.

The Las Vegas Roomshare website IS NOT RAN BY BRITAINS!! British people have no concept of American culture, or what Americans are looking for in a room or house. The Las Vegas Roomshare website is managed by local Las Vegas, NV residents. Americans operate the Las Vegas Rooms for Rent website.

Neo-Nazis, bigots, racist, MAGA cult followers, and election-deniers are prohibited from using the Las Vegas Roomshare website.

Another advantage that the Las Vegas Roomshares website has over SpareRooms is that the Las Vegas Roomshares website has the ability to poll and meet with actual Las Vegas Spare-room users; meet with local Las Vegas, NV teants, and verifiy their local employment; visit their actual Las Vegas, NV homes; conduct personal tours with prospective tenants; meet with local Las Vegas, NV landlords; poll their Las Vegas, NV neighbors; and investigate any ties or suspicions of being connected to political extremists, or abusive landlords.

Las Vegas, NV property owners and prospective renters have complained about the authenticity of the Sparerooms website.

Some consumers complain that many ads on Sparerooms are actually rigged with Spareroom employees pretending to be renters. This in turn helps spur ad sales. If you post a free ad, you are bombarded by Spareroom sales agents asking you to upgrade to a paid ad. Indeed, this is a common complaint associated with rental scams asking for money to post an ad or to highlight an ad.

There is also suspicion that many reviews posted about SpareRooms are rigged and/or manufactured by Spareroom employeers instead of renters using SpareRooms.

Consider complaints posted on Reddit where users remark about getting so-called leads only for the user to stop responding for no reason whatsover. This is called Ghosting for Ads! A scam to generate paid ads!

Other complaints are the quality of the tenants. Some critics argue that SpareRooms attracts lazy, unreliable, and desperate tenants that no one else wants.

Other complaints include self-proclaimed American Neo-Nazis who boast"I will never rent a property from a Black family" or from a "Jew"

For example, one particular complaint that we have reviewed about Spareroom users include a Las Vegas, NV resident named Nicholas Adam Watkins. He is a white male American who allegedly refused to consider a rental room offer from a decorated Black family on the basis of race. An attempt to create a Sparerooms account to reach out to Adam Watkins and other alleged American bigots has been blocked by Sparerooms.

The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development investigates all claims and all allegations of housing discrimination based if victims allege discrimination based upon of Race, Color, National Origin, Religion, Sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), Familial Status, and Disability.

Who is SpareRooms User Nicholas Adam Watkins And Why Was He Using the Sparerooms website?

Adam Watkins, Western Packaging Group, LLC

According to complaint records, informant files, SpareRoom data, public data, and his own statements to a prospective Sparerooms landlord, Nicholas Adam Watkins (a/k/a/ Adam Watkins) is a Process Engineer employed by Western Group Packaging, LLC. He is originally from a poor area of Riverside, CA. He attended the lowly Lewis & Clark College. He next moved to Florida where he enjoyed the political climate and the weather.

He has lived a somewhat transient life-style of moving back and forth to Las Vegas, NV from Ron Desantis territory or even living with friends or family; this erratic lifestyle and inability to become a white male American multi-millionaire before age 30 may have affected the decision of his girl-friend to not marry him.

According to sources, Adam Watkins has a child born out of wedlock. The birth of the child was not authorized by local Las Vegas, NV Christian churches. He allegedly shares custody of the illegitimate son with a former American girl-friend who lives in Henderson, NV; the name and address, and driver's license data, of the unmarried woman and the name of the minor child are not being shared at this time.

The Linkedin profile of Nicholas Adam Watkins makes no mention of him hating African-Americans, hating Asians, hating Hispanics, hating Blacks, or espousing Neo-Nazism, or hating Jews.

Neither does the LinkedIn profile reveal any information that Adam Watkins is affiliated with any exremist or hate groups, or that Adam Watkins is a member of the Ku Klux Klan.

By all accounts, the LinkedIn profile of Adam Watkins looks reasonably normal; for a sucker.

Flaws of LinkinProfile of Nicholas Adam Watkins: Private Thoughts and Public Actions Are Not Published

Adam Watkins, Western Packaging Group, LLC

The LinkedIn profile of Nicholas Adam Watkins or other American bigots never does disclose their private thoughts or reveal what public conduct they engage in. What does a bigot think privately? What are the explicit statements or actions or inactions engaged in by Adam Watkins towards a minority Sparerooms landlord that spurred allegations of "Ku Klux Klan" membership? What public act(s) did Nicholas Adam Watkins engage in to spur this media report??

Apparently, Nicholas Adam Watkins is not very proud of sharing his bizarre private thoughts about race on an online forum. Certainly, Nicholas Adam Watkins is not about to admit that "I will not rent from a Black family, or from Black Americans"

The fact that Nicholas Adam Watkins has apparently admitted to living in Florida or has ties to Florida is also significant. The state of Florida is well-known to be a state of fervent Neo-Nazis, Insurrectionists, Anti-Americans, law-breakers, radical extremists, Ku Klux Klan sympathizers, haters of law & order; followers of convicted criminal Donald Trump; and home to the most vile and despicable persons on planet Earth. Florida is the trash-can of America!

Only diehard Neo-Nazis would enjoy living under the sick and demented bigoted rule of Florida's hate-monger Governor Ron DeSantis; Ron Desantis has been compared to being a twink version of Nazi Leader Paul Joseph Goebbels; the chief propagandist for the Nazi Party, and then Reich Minister of Propaganda from 1933 to 1945 to Adolp Hitler

Paul Joseph Goebbels proudly and publicly voiced his political opinions while American Neo-Nazis like Ron DeSantis and Nevada's GOP Governor Joe Lombardo use covert and sissfied language like "woke" to hide their true political agenda.

An informant also confirmed that the parents of Nicholas Adam Watkins are also now living in Florida, and that Adam Watkins relies heavily on his father for poltical and social advice; "My father likes to know everything that I do and who I live with".

How sweet. What a sweet boy!

What is not very clear is whether or not Adam Watkins was actually looking for a SpareRoom on the SpareRooms website or was he simply looking to harass persons based upon of Race, Color, National Origin, Religion, Sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), Familial Status, and Disability.

Las Vegas Raiders Refuse to Endorse Suspected American Bigot Adam Watkins or Sparerooms

Adam Watkins, Western Packaging Group, LLC Adam Watkins, Western Packaging Group, LLC

When referred to as a Ku Klux Klan member and a racist by SpareRooms user, there is no record of Adam Watkins refuting the allegation directly to the accuser or providing evidence of a 10-year rental history from Black Americans, Native-Americans, or Hispanics.

A reliable informant also claims that Nicholas Adam Watkins is a life-long Raiders' fan. The parents of Adam Watkins can apparently verify this claim since they escorted their child to Raiders' games.

However, the Raiders also have Black players! That is a problem for American bigots and racists.

It is unsure if Adam Watkins only roots for the white Raiders players, or does he root for both Black and white Raiders players, but chooses to discriminate against the blacks in private?? Does Adam Watkins have dozens of Black friends that can vouch for his credibility as a non-racist?!

When the Las Vegas Raiders were contacted and asked if they accept racist or bigoted white Americans, or approve of Sparerooms, they refused to endorse either.

Nicholas Adam Watkins (a/k/a/ Adam Watkins) is a comfirmed registered user of the SpareRooms website, according to screenshots provided.

Nicholas Adam Watkins offered various details to the prospective landlord before finding out that the landlord was a Black American. In fact, the tune of the conversation immediately changed when it was revealed that white American Adam Watkins was not dealing with a person who clearly was not a member of the Ku Klux Klan (a white American male).

A request to Adam Watkins to verify a 10-year history of renting exclusively from Black families has not been responded to. Neither is Adam Watkins lilkely to consent to a formal Lie Detector Test, or a battery of questions live-streamed to the public to ascertain his true views on race, and politics in America. A text sent to his Florida personal mobile phone number was rebuffed.

Recommendations. Does SpareRooms or Western Group Packaging Take Action Against Neo-Nazis or Persons lIke Adam Watkins?

Adam Watkins, Western Packaging Group, LLC

Reasonable people agree that bigots are the scum of the Earth. The SpareRooms website must do a better job at protecting bigots from themselves, as well as protecting persons based upon of Race, Color, National Origin, Religion, Sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), Familial Status, and Disability.

The American white male and British bigot is a sissy. He is not proud to reveal his private thoughts or explain his public actions.

The white male American or British bigot loves to watch Black athletes on the weekend or cheer for their favorite Black boxer (Lennox Lewis or Mike Tyson) on Satuday, but practice discrimination on Monday.


The SpareRooms website has a social responsibility to require all of its white American male users to undergo a psychiatric test or require a medical referral from a Doctor of color that verifies his mental fitness to interract with persons of color.

How and why did Western Group Packaging, LLC recruit Adam Watkins is unclear. Are the owners of Western Group Packaging, LLC part of a private hate group that connects them to persons like Adam Watkins? Or, does Sparerooms have a private chat box that connects Neo-Nazis??

As a general rule of thumb, the American bigot is also very dumb. Adam Watkins should have worn a white-sheet to hide his face before meeting with Black tenants in public. By wearing a Ku Klux Klan outfit in public, the charade could have ended before he spoke a single word.

Adam Watkins was documented as mouthing off against his own employer at a local Starbucks in North Las vegas, NV. He complained of working conditions at his employer Western Group Packaging, LLC; its too hot; it's too dis-organized; company founders have no clue how to run a bottling company because the founders have a background in sales; they are learning as they go; they are under-staffed), etc.

Adam Watkins, Western Packaging Group, LLC '

It is highly unlikely that the founders of Western Group Packaging, Bobby Melamed and Shawn Arianpour, are as dumb as Adam Watkins.

At the same time, one should be cautious about using the products and services of Western Group Packaging, LLC if their lead Process Engineer has no faith in the company or voluntarily shares with a total stranger inside details and complaints about his employer!!

When the property owner complained of the behavior of Nicholas Adam Watkins to Sparerooms, the British-based company punished and banned the Black property host and all of his family members, but apparently declined to take action against Adam Watkins whose conduct apparently initiated the series of events.

One must therefore conclude that SpareRooms takes no action against alleged bigots and provides no protections for persons based upon of Race, Color, National Origin, Religion, Sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), Familial Status, and Disability.

An email sent to the employer of Adam Watkins at Western Group Packaging, located in North Las Vegas, NV, is awaiting a response.

A formal letter mailed to the parents of Adam Watkins at their Florida home to ask who actually raised Adam Watkins, and what were his habits as child, is awaiting a response.

Apparently, the girlfriend of Adam Watkins also noticed certain bad qualities in Adam Watkins and therfore she declined to marry him.